Digital Storytelling Programs

Best. Class. Ever.

Engage more students!

Enrich the learning environment!

Enhance knowledge aquisition through moviemaking programs!

Enlighten through compelling enrichment opportunities!

Digital storytelling is the perfect vehicle for integrating art and technology into the academic environment in a meaningful way that excites students and deepens learning. Bring your school into the 21st century with technology in the classroom, or boost your income by offering enriching programs as electives, after-school sessions, or camps!

Stop Motion Animation  AVAILABLE NOW!

Documentary Filmmaking  COMING SOON!

Live Action Filmmaking using Green Screen Technology 

In the Classroom!

  • Engage Elementary to High school students in core subjects.
  • Integrate art and technology to bring STEAM into the classroom.
  • Inspire and enrich your current curriculum in History, Science, Literature, Geography, Social Studies, Math, and everything else in between.
  • Follow along with instructional videos and scripted guides for instant integration into classes.

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Enrichment Programs!

  • Enrich a back-to-basics school day with an after-school activity that integrates art and creativity with technology!
  • Inspire summer campers with a fun and –ssshhhh! educating! – week of learning the production process and making a real movie!
  • Daylong, Weekend, or Full Week camp programs in Stop Motion Animation.
  • Instructional videos and scripted guides make it easy to guide kids in unleashing their creativity!

Stop Motion Animation Program

  1. One professionally-designed Instructor’s Guide to lead the class through discussion Topics and associated Activities that build on each other to result in a final movie product.
  2. Seven integrated Instructional Videos that deliver and reinforce concepts and are hosted by a student peer.
  3. Thirty-nine student-made videos to watch, review, learn-from, and critique throughout the course.
  4. Handouts and Worksheets for pre-production activities.
  5. Curriculum Outlines to help you align the 10-module course with the amount of hours in your session.

It’s everything you need to lead a class in digital storytelling in one download!

Go to the Digistars Portal NOW to get immediate access to our digital storytelling curricula and start bringing the magic of moviemaking to the kids in your world!

Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter as programs will continue to be released over the upcoming months!


  1. Do I Need To Know Filmmaking To Implement This?

Absolutely not! In fact, our easy-to-follow short video modules walk you and your students through all the steps for professional digital storytelling. Learn-as-you-go and implement an exciting new educational experience into your classroom tomorrow!

  1. Do I Need To Be a Tech, Art or Drama Teacher To Use These Programs?

Not at all! The production process can overlay any academic subject and enrich your learning environment. For example, study Ancient Egyptian history with 5th graders using digital storytelling to engage your students in a deeper level of knowledge acquisition.

  1. Can I Bring This Into An Individual Classroom or Do These Programs Need To Be Adopted at the School or District Level?

You may use it in an individual classroom, in an after-school program, at a summer camp, in a youth club or rec center, for homeschooling… You may use this purchase however you’d like!

  1. Will I Need to Invest In New Technology or Other Equipment?

Probably not! Most schools already have iPads, Chromebooks, smart phones, or other computers that can be used without expensive new software or other upgrades.

  1. What If I Want To Use These Programs Outside The Classroom in An After School Program or Similar?

No problem! These programs work as well for edu-tainment or pure entertainment as they do for instruction.

  1. How Quickly Can I Get Started and Enhance The Learning Environment in My Classroom?

Immediately! Go ahead and purchase and download the materials today!