How Digistars® Can Help Your Student Make the Perfect Documentary Film

Is your student tired of writing the same boring paper or presentation board for class? Are they looking for something more fun and exciting to showcase their knowledge? Well then we have the answer for you, how about creating a documentary film?

The Essential Documentary Filmmaking Tutor is the perfect resource for guidance on making a documentary film. The program provides step-by-step instructions for making a movie that meets all scholarly requirements. The instructional videos walk your student through all the processes.

Along with the program, we offer a member portal, student forum, and zoom office hours so your student has access to a community of other students going through the movie making process.

We have designed the program to be universally accessible with Google applications. There is no need for expensive software applications or new technology.

Digistars® has been helping students create documentary films since 2010. Learn more about the Essential Documentary Filmmaking Tutor and how we can help your student to produce an excellent documentary film.