Posts Tagged "opening credit sequence"


Visual storytelling has different demands than a story told on a printed page. The movies and shows we watch in theaters, on television, or online are thoughtfully crafted to transport us into their reality and believe that we are there with the characters. When we watch a series of episodes in a show, the producers can use a type of shorthand to remind of us what sort of world we might be entering in the opening credits.

The opening credit sequence of a show can set the mood, establish the location, introduce the actors, and even preview the storyline; or it could be as simple as a single word on a black screen that sends shivers down the spine of the viewer. In this modern age of countless viewing options, the opening credit sequence plays an important role of capturing watchers away from other distractions.

While early television shows used the opening sequence to pay homage to sponsors, a good opening can become iconic. The original opening sequence for Game of Thrones, for example, took 3 months and 35 people to create. Read more about the fascinating history of the opening credit sequence in Katie Ingram’s recent article for The Week magazine.

While we haven’t yet started filming series of shows with our 8-year old filmmakers, Digistars programs encourage participants to create title screens and end credits as part of their complete moviemaking experience.

Titles and credits are just one part of the moviemaking process that we cover in all of our programs for elementary- and middle-schoolers.

Register for a Digistars program today to introduce the wonder, fun, and skills of digital storytelling to your favorite child!